Sunday (day10)
I am not feeling well at all today and in general feel like doing nothing. Slightly nauseous with the usual low fever and that congested feeling.
I also need to keep an eye on my mouth, I think I may have a gum infection. My mood is not good. All in all though, I still feel like I am getting by pretty good.
We had a strange incident here yesterday morning that I am thinking about right now. Adrian's cousin showed up from Spokane with 3 women. (his cousin, his girfriend, and her 2 sisters. It was my first time to meet all of them.
One of them had drank too much (evidently on the way up here) and had used our restroom. She finally came out of the bathroom with all of my jewelry on and carrying my makeup bag~~She walked out the door and tried getting in her truck. At this point, not wanting to have my stuff broken, I just kind of left it up to everyone else to get the stuff. It was getting a little heated with people yelling. This was before noon yesterday also. A lot of drama for the am. We thought we got all of my jewelry from this woman who was now yelling at me and calling me names.
After they left, I realized I was missing most of my makeup (including tweezers) Plus
,, she had my pierced earrings in her ears. Hopefully she won't get sick from me. She was too drunk to reason with. Keep in mind, we aren't used to having people act like this. I wanted to kick her fucking ass, but I would end up in jail or hurt really bad due to the tx. I am already bruising way too long now as it is. Anyway, everyone was extremely apologetic. I am sure Adrian's cousin will get the necklace back.
At some point, this woman had actually tore one of my chains off her neck, breaking it of course. Meanhwhile, she had about 4 other necklaces on, so we were trying to get them back without that happening. Adrian feixed my necklace she broke (bitch!!)
What is weird, is that I have all my medications in my bedroom now. I didn't want anyone seeing what I was on? Can you imagine her getting into my pills or taking them?
Anyways, no more crazy women allowed at our house! Especially at that time of the morning....luckily I was having no sx. when this happened.
Can's say teh same about today though.....
Oh yeah, I went to a BBQ with Adrian and watched him play
all night which was fun!!!!
Hopefully I can get some more food down today, I can't even stand eeating peanut butter which is weird for me.
You will get nauseaus unless you eat - vicious circle, yes, I know. Try to eat some crackers with ginger ale for the nausea. Take your riba in the middle of a meal with fatty food in it. Lots of people use 12% yoghurt, if they can find it. Eat half the meal, eat 2 spoonfuls of the yoghurt, take pills, eat 2 more spoonfulls of yoghurt, finish the meal.
I wouldn't wish Hep C on my worst enemy, but it would be ironic if the woman caught it from your earings!
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